Friday, March 15, 2013

Green Eye Shadow or Smokey eye?

Well its Friday kids and for most that means absolutely nothing, but for the majority of us that means letting your hair down, calling that boi who you know you shouldn't, and sleeping in late tomorrow until your cat walks all over you and your partners face! Been trying hard to fight my afternoon agoraphobia, but this tropical mama is having a hard time with the cold. Most of us belong to the city...belong to the night, so I know once night falls I'll be busting outta here!

Lots of cool stuff tonight free Tango in Queens theater in the park, Peridance Contemporary Spring Season, Girl night at Bar 739 Franklin in Crown Heights (go figure), House party at  TTB Korey's crib (maybe I should double check before I post her address). But lets be honest Drag Bingo at XL 6pm is where to start the night followed by "Hot Mess" at 9pm queens like Ivy Winters, and Sugga Pie kokO will be there.

I will be attending a gorgeous friend's birthday where I intend to be nothing less then center of attention and later meet up with my unusually large handsome boyfriend and maybe check out Starfucker's show at Webster Hall (that is if I have comp tickets, its hard out here) I have rehearsal tomorrow so going hard tonight is my warm-up. And for all of you who don't know already I am getting ready for a great show at Harlem Stage in April, collaborating with Nathan Trice and Marguerite Hemmings. Check it out, get tickets, get involved.

Subscribe, post  and let me know where you will be tonight!

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